“Thanks for making my small bathroom a combination of great efficiency and beauty.” –Dany
“Jonda spoke at my Freelance Forum meeting. As creative people we are not always as organized as we should be. Her topic, “I Don’t Have Time for Time Management”, was perfect for us. I was impressed with her ideas and the way she presented. Her presentation was lively and engaging. I would definitely recommend her.” – Brenda
“Jonda has helped me address the organizing issues that I have to deal with both professionally and personally. Her expertise and candor make her a winning combination for my particular skill set. Her creative side helps figure out what I can do differently to achieve my goals. She has tailored a system which makes sense to me and consequently is easier for me to continue in all facets of my daily life.” –Mary Catherine
“Jonda Beattie of Time Space Organization provides creative solutions to organizational challenges with efficiency and humor, all the while staying within budget. The results will free up your time and maximize your space!” –Leann
“I can finally see my floor again. I pay my bills on time now because I can find them. My daily planner ensures that no obligations go unmet.” –Ben
“Among the many gifts Jonda brings to my organizational table is that of CAN DO! Attitude, a listening ear, a willingness to try, and overall keeping me focused on the outcome of my efforts. She helps me maintain a positive connection and reminds me to see through to the results!
Through a combination of communication techniques such as Video conferencing, text messages, and phone calls along with tools to share documents like drop box, Jonda assisted me in maintaining my job search spreadsheets, resumes, and contact follow-ups. I highly recommend her support in virtual organizing.” –Stacie

“Every single day that I can find things when I need them, or know where to put them away, and don’t feel overwhelmed with junk, trash, or disorganization, I realize I am so much happier. It is a phenomenal improvement. Just look what you started!” -Marilyn