You have set your intention for the year with your zone plan and it looks great and doable. Then life happens. In my case, this past month, I got sick. I lost a couple of weeks where I was just in survival mode. This month the zone to work on for me is the office. What to do?
There are several choices.
Put in a whole day set aside just to w0rk in the office.
Let this zone bleed into the next month.
Let it go and just move on to the next month’s zone because I know I did this zone well last year and will do it well again next year.
Because the office zone is very important to my business and part of this zone is setting up my files for the next year, I am opting to do the first choice. What I can’t get done in the one whole day may bleed into the next month.
If this happened when working in my master bedroom, I would be inclined to go with the third choice.
The point is that the Zone Plan is just that – a plan – an intention. The goal is to touch everything in my house by the end of the year. But it is a continuous loop. I will start over again next year. I am not worried about perfection.
My goals are:
Know what is in my home and in each zone.
Know what is still important to me in each zone and to let go of what I know longer need or love.
Check into each zone and see if it still matches my vision
Open up spaces and allow for flow.
Now that I have made my decision on how to handle my setback, I feel invigorated and ready to move on.
Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer