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Spring Up Your Living Room

In March I feel like spring is right around the corner. I am seeing the bluebirds building nests. I am seeing bees buzzing around my blueberry bushes. Bulbs are blooming everywhere.

This is the month that I want to de-winterize my living room zone and put some spring into it.

My first step is to develop my vision.

My first step is always to get a vision of how I want the living room to look and how I want to feel when I am settled in first thing in the morning for my coffee or last thing in the day when I am ready to rest and relax.

My living room is truly a living area. I start my day here with my cup of coffee and the newspaper. Later in the day my husband settles into his burgundy chair to read the paper, muse, and work on the crossword puzzle. We come together and eat our lunch here. And then in the evening when I shut down my office, I join my husband there for a glass of wine. When we have company over this is where we sit and visit.

I want this room to be welcoming and nurturing. I want everyone who enters to feel they can exhale and enjoy their time here.

My next step is to notice what needs to change to make this vison come true.

I notice that there are some DVDs out on the entertainment center that did not get put away.

The newspaper from a few days ago is still on the coffee table. The magazine rack is overfull.

Winter accessories are still out like the blanket and a winter candle. The rug and upholstery are looking dingy. The windows need washing. The coat closet is in a jumble. While I don’t see it, I know that there is some purging that needs to be done in the entertainment center.

A lot of this clutter comes about with our day to day living. We relax here and read. It is a gathering place. But now is the time to bring it back to the vision.

I make a list of tasks to bring the living room back to my vision.

The list might look like this:

1. Clean and put away the heavy throw blankets.

2. Schedule a time to have the upholstery and rugs professionally cleaned.

3. Schedule a time for me to clean the windows and blinds so the sun can pour in.

4. Take apart and clean my fountain.

5. Clear the loose CDs and DVDs off the entertainment center. Put them in their containers and inside the center. Purge any I no longer want.

6. Clean out section of entertainment center that holds linens and candles. Get rid of anything I no longer want.

7. Clear the old stacks of reading material from the coffee table. Put them in the reading basket or table beside the chair. Purge old ones.

8. Clean out the adjoining coat closet. Donate any outerwear that is not being used.

9. Put out a spring scented candle and fresh flowers.

10.Clean the front door and stoop.

Now that I know what I want to do it is time to schedule the time to do it.

I pull out my calendar and assign dates and times to work my plan. For me in this zone I find it easiest to work one wall at a time. Week one I will work on the entertainment center wall. The next week I will tackle the closet area. Next up will be the window wall which also has the door, a chair and end table, and a fountain. The last week I will work on the couch wall along with the coffee table.

Sometime in this month I will schedule to have the rug and upholstery professionally cleaned.

When scheduling, I allow some wiggle room because I know that life happens, and I may need to do some re-scheduling. I want to be able to work my plan without overwhelm.

By the end of the month when I have finished this zone I will celebrate.

By months end the room will look and feel bright and ready for spring. I will put fresh flowers on the table and have friends over for a spring meal to celebrate finishing this zone.

All this area will need now is regular maintenance. I will not do a full out deep clean of this zone for another year.

My challenge to you

Find an area in your home that you want to lighten up for spring. Follow the steps above and enjoy your re-found space.

If you want guidance or just accountability in completing a project, organizing a space in your home, or managing your time join Diane Quintana and me on our Clear Space For You clutter support group.

Jonda S. Beattie, Professional Organizer owner of Time Space Organization, and co-owner of Release, Repurpose, Reorganize. She is based in the Metro-Atlanta area. As presenter, award-winning author, as well as a retired special education teacher she uses her listening skills, problem solving skills, knowledge of different learning techniques, ADHD specialty, and paper management skills to help clients tackle the toughest organizational issues. Jonda does hands on organizing and virtual organizing. For more of Jonda’s tips connect with her on Facebook.

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7 comentarios

Julie Bestry
Julie Bestry
07 mar 2023

Although when I'm with clients I can get into this refresh mode, I admit that I set up my living room when I moved here and I pretty much change nothing. I put away clutter daily so almost each day starts with clear surfaces, but I don't "decorate" and I'm pretty much blind to anything of my own that isn't on a TV or computer or phone screen. Eek! I guess I focus so much on function that I have to be dragged kicking and screaming to pay attention to aesthetics in my own realm. You've given me some inspiration to see if I can lighten and brighten anything (and then I'll probably ignore it as the seasons change for…

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08 mar 2023
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Everyone should just do what makes them happy. I like a little change and I crave sun and warmth. :)

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Janet Barclay
Janet Barclay
06 mar 2023

I've never thought of switching up my living room for different seasons, but I like the idea! I'm not sure I could find another home for my throw blanket though...

Me gusta
06 mar 2023
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I actually will swap out the throw banket. My husband is easily chilled but the one he got for Christmas and is using now is more like a down comforter. I will swap it out for a thinner throw blanket.

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Linda Samuels
Linda Samuels
06 mar 2023

I can tell how much you are eagerly anticipating the arrival of spring. How cool you have blueberry bushes! I LOVE blueberries!

Recently, we purchased a new piece of furniture for our living room- an entertainment console. When it arrived, my husband assembled it. But it the project was more involved. It turned into reorganizing many of the books, DVDS, photo albums, and shelves. And the best part for me was we let go of a lot of things! It was exciting to transform the room. While I hadn't thought of it as a spring refresh, in fact, the room now feels poised and ready to welcome the new season. Well... ALMOST ready. I have a few more things on…

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06 mar 2023
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As for my blueberry bushes - I am lucky to get a small bowl. Just about the time I am ready to go out and pick some the birds have beaten me to it. :)

I enjoy changing out my living room. I spend a lot of time there. I do a spring change, a fall change, then a change out for Christmas and then winter.

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06 mar 2023

great tips for sprucing up your living room. I love the way you broke down the tasks into small, actionable steps.

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