It’s a new year for organizing. I always like to start my home organization projects in my office. This month I will touch everything in my office and make decisions about what stays in this office, what goes away, what stays but is stored elsewhere in my home.
Over the past year, my office has gotten overcrowded and cluttered. I have materials I have brought in from conferences and workshops, new organizing books, files for new clients and contacts, business receipts, and more. Now is the logical time to organize and clear out areas to make room for new growth and to give me room to breathe and flourish.
First, I check in with my vision of my office. Over this past year, I have lightened up the feeling. My walls are now a pale yellow. A blue Pete the Cat picture hangs on my wall. I want my office to feel light and welcoming.
I look at where papers tend to stack up. My project bins are overflowing. I need to assess what is still valid, let some projects go, file some as complete, and organize what is current. My business paperwork for last year should now get bundled and set aside for tax purposes. My client files are updated, with non-active files put in an archival location. My contact files are also updated.
I update my vision board and clear the clutter from my shelves. If I don’t love looking at something, or if I no longer need something – out it goes.
By the end of the month, I will reward myself with fresh flowers on my desk. The office is now ready for just regular maintenance for another year.
Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer