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Keeping the Fountain Full

Writer's picture: Jonda BeattieJonda Beattie

My life/business coach, Wendy Watkins, once shared how important it was to keep adding water to our fountains. If we don’t add this water, the fountain will get low of water and the pump will burn up. Of course, she was talking about taking care of yourself. She also personally helped me chose a daily goal of ending my day with some reserve of energy. I have this intention posted on my vision board.

However, sometimes I forget. I try to complete that one more thing. I try to wiggle in one more client. I try to polish that presentation just a little bit more. And on the weekends, I try to complete that one more project at home.

When I allow this to happen, I get tired and grumpy. I also get careless and make mistakes. I’m more likely to get sick.

Awareness that this is happening is key. Scheduling at least 2 days a month with my husband where we sleep late and do fun things together if very important to me. On nights that both my husband I are home (no meetings, choir, etc.), I try to stop office work around 6:00. We try to walk together on as many days as possible. All of these habits help fill my fountain.

I’m very lucky that I love my work. I am also very lucky that I have a wonderful husband that supports me and a family that I love. My friends are fantastic! It is also important that I love and take care of myself. All of this keeps my fountain flowing freely with a delightful sound. I have this fountain in my office and it’s soothing sounds relax me. But, I do need to fill it every day.

Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer

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