I had a client once tell me that his desk was one big inbox and that he really didn’t have an outbox. Looking over his desk, he was pretty much right. Unless I was sitting there and sorting papers with him and having him trash, shred, and file, things just accumulated in piles.
Now I understand that people with ADHD characteristics panic when paper is filed or placed where they don’t see it. But the truth is that some of that paper has been there so long it has stuck to the desk or fallen behind the desk or is so buried that unless there is some trigger to dig for it, it is forgotten.
Every person has a different comfort zone for clutter and for filing but here are some suggestions:
When paper comes into the office, do a quick triage. What is obviously trash or needs shredding? What needs an action soon? What do you want to read and ponder? What ads do you wish to consider?
Take care of the trash and shredding right then.
Have a landing pad for items needing an action soon.
Have a basket for magazines or articles you want to read and ponder. When that basket gets full, acknowledge that you have more than you can handle and either set aside some time to read or dispose of some of the material.
Have a folder for ads or upcoming workshops or events that you are considering.
Now this has corralled most of the paper but still very little has really gone away.
Here comes the harder part:
Schedule a time to pay bills or check on bill pay. Then immediately file or get rid of paid bills.
Weekly, at a scheduled time, take care of any receipts or invoices that need entering or filing. If possible scan these items and get rid of the paper.
Take a couple of the items you want to read and ponder and either leaf through them at that time or remove them to another location to read later. After looking through them, dispose of them.
Schedule at least monthly a time to leaf through the ads and toss any that you know you don’t want or that have expired. Look over any upcoming offerings and see if some no longer appeal to you or have passed their due date and dispose of them.
While you may never get your desk completely clear of paper, do realize that paper has a purpose and when that purpose is complete the paper should go somewhere besides on your desk.
Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer