Valentine’s Day is a day for romance. It is a chance to spice up the relationship and show the love.
However, if you trip over piles of shoes while entering the front door or have papers cascading off the coffee table, and CDs and DVDs scattered on the floor, your living room is not ready for prime time romance. If your dining table has projects, bills, and used plates and silverware, along with stacks of clothes to fold and put away, you are not ready for that romantic meal. If your bedroom has stacks of books, magazines, clothes, and cosmetics on every surface, you are not ready for that special night.
Look around the common areas in your home. How do you want these areas to look in order to inspire romance? How do you want to feel in these areas?
Remove everything from these zones that does not match your vision. Have a specific place for everything that belongs in the rooms and put the items away. If you are short on space, let some things go or put them in a temporary storage area elsewhere until you can deal with them.
Now, clean and polish those newly exposed surfaces. Put out some flowers and candles. Play that special music.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Being organized Is romantic, too.
Enjoy your special day!
Jonda S. Beattie Professional Organizer